
Maurice Monroe

Serves as the face the HOA in all official matters The HOA President is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • Deliver state of the HOA address at the annual meeting

  • Approve committee leadership positions

  • Approve HOA purchases and expenditures (as needed)

  • Serve as the face of the HOA in all official matters

  • Attend all HOA related events and meetings

  • Greet new HOA neighbors

  • Serve as the Registrar

  • Provides oversight of and serves as lead for the Membership & Recreation Committee as needed.


Picture Coming Soon

Currently Open

Serves as the scribe for the HOA Board ensuring upkeep of all records related to HOA business. The HOA Secretary is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • Coordinate and set agenda of board meetings

  • Tracking minutes of meetings

  • Maintaining HOA records

  • Maintain HOA website

  • Sending community notifications

  • Provides oversight of and serves as lead of the Communication Committee as needed.

Vice President


Serves as backup to the president in all official capacities. The HOA Vice President is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • Serve in place of the President in all official matters

  • Approve HOA purchases and expenditures

  • Serve as the Registrar

  • Provides oversight of and serves as lead for the Architectural Design Committee as needed.



Picture Coming Soon

Currently Open

Serves as the financial advisor to the HOA Board. The HOA Treasurer is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • Approve HOA purchases and expenditures

  • Review, track, and update HOA financial books

  • Approve HOA purchases and expenditures

  • Prepare financial statements for Annual Meeting

  • Track and account for all HOA assets

  • Prepare financials for tax and audit purposes

  • Provides oversight of and serves as lead of the Neighborhood Watch Committee as needed.

Architectural Design Committee

Currently Open

Addresses problem areas with respect to compliance with the covenant, reviews architectural review form submissions and reports maintenance issues to the Board of Directors. This committee will handle all of the violations and the approval process for existing structures.

Monitor the landscaping service and will identify maintenance needs within the development. The committee will play an active roll in the bidding process of landscaping contractors and will oversee any special improvement projects that the Association agrees to fund. The committee will also monitor homeowner lots to ensure the home and lots are in alliance with the covenants and by-laws and send communications to the homeowner of any violations.

Communication Committee

Corey Grant - Committee Lead

Works with all of the committees to keep homeowners and residents updated on various activities and issues within Misty Glen through the distribution of our community newsletter. This committee will also maintain a directory of homeowners and assist with the planning of the annual bock party.

Neighborhood Watch Committee

Erin Chudd - Committee Lead

Work on issues associated with crime prevention and the establishment of a security watch program with local law enforcement agencies. Crime Watch activities to include regular and special meetings, setting up safe houses for children who are locked out, having events to promote Crime Watch and establish a safety network within Misty Glen. The committee will create an environment of safety and communication in Misty Glen, as well as, with the police officers that patrol the community. This committee will be made up of several leaders and volunteers who will act as "block captains".

Membership/Recreation Committee

Carmen Geiger - Committee Lead

Responsible for welcoming new residents to the community and providing them with notice of the Association, its rights and its authority. The committee will monitor the community homes for sale and contact the selling agent of the assessment fee and one-time capital fee. In addition, this committee will plan community activities such as picnics, and other events that may be of interest.

Contact Us

If you are interested in more information about the Misty Glen neighborhood please fill out the contact form on the right. One of our board members will respond as soon as possible.
